Public Art
Claudia Lamy's Initiative is to bring about the engagement of her art to the public through public spaces and other community spaces that serve the greater good. While enjoying smaller scale projects in homes and offices.

Virtual Public Spaces
Virtual Reality Oculus 2 - 2020 - Present
Spatial - 2023
I have ventured into virtual reality with my Oculus 2 from the world wide push with covid. I have been experimenting the with the design applications available to create interactive art pieces that meet my intentions of perspective shifts through a facilitated experience. While adding new possibilities of Gallery spaces.
Expression for Prevention
2017 -
GWU Milken Institute School of Public Health - Washington DC
Co hosted with Public Health Advocates from GWU Miklken Insitutue School of Public Health. Claudia Lamy created an experience to engage the public audience to submit to a moment of expression of true feeling with white paint marker on fabric. The pattern of fabric representing natures patterns and cycles. Connecting our own nature to express in our own pattern for evolvement.

Expression Experience Series
2016 Gallery 102 Washington D.C.
July Studio Large Scale Independent Studio Grant, expanded to creating community engagement trips events of Art Sound Movement, Sound Gestural Painting, Open Performance Lets Fall in Love.
Gate Way to
Reading & Science
2014 55x20 foot mural at Aiton Elementary School NE Washington DC.
Collaboration with Graphic Designer Zarela Mosequera. Interactive element is the dotted lines for children to mark with chalk.